Need Capital? Get to Know Your Loan Products

Without strong cash flow and positive working capital, most companies will struggle to meet day-to-day overhead expenses as well as the many other costs typically or not so typically incurred in the course of business.

Many business owners find that they need to seek outside sources for the capital required to keep operations running smoothly. Not surprisingly, the first place many turn to is their bank.

However, before approaching any lender, including your bank, it's a good idea to get up to speed on the different types of loan products out there. They aren't all the same — different products are designed to meet different capital needs.

"Commercial Lending" word map

Options to Consider

Commercial loan products come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some of the most widely used ones include:

It's important to know precisely why you need capital, so your lender can suggest the right type of loan product to meet your financing needs. For example, if you need a capital infusion to meet periodic cash flow shortfalls or fund accounts receivable, a line of credit is probably the right way to go. But you typically wouldn't use a line of credit to buy equipment or real estate — a term loan or commercial mortgage is generally the right type of loan product for these capital needs.

Alternative Financing Providers

Eons ago, banks were the only reputable game in town when it came to commercial loans. Nowadays there are a variety of alternative lending sources to consider. These include:

The Best Choice

As you can see, if you need to access capital for your business, there are a variety of products to consider. Again, make sure you know — with as much specificity as possible — why you need the funds and how you intend to use them before applying. Your CPA can help you better understand your company's regularly incurred expenses, projected costs and overall financial situation so you can make the best choice.

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