Slash Office Supply Costs With Simple Tricks

Office supply costs can be insidious — they creep up without warning and the next thing you know, you're sending out memos asking everyone to please use supplies sparingly.

Here are three easy steps often used to help remedy the situation:

1. Name a supply clerk to oversee the supply cabinet.

2. Institute a requisition system where the supply clerk fills the order that day or orders the supplies.

3. Arrange for the supply clerk to fill outstanding orders on a regular basis, such as once a month.

Well, there's a better way. Open your desk drawer. Chances are, you'll find scads of pens, pencils, paper pads, yellow sticky pads, paper clips and more. Multiply this by the number of desk at the company and you're looking at a lot of wasted dollars!

Start thinking about those overflowing desks as overstocked inventory.

You'll quickly see results, saving as much as 30% on what you currently spend on supplies. You'll also find your supply cabinet neater and you'll be less likely to run out of items unexpectedly because the person who took the last one didn't tell anyone.

Now, how do you retrieve the supplies that are hiding out in those desks? Call an Amnesty Day and refill supply cabinets with the supplies that are turned in.

More Cost-Cutting Ideas

Saving money and boosting profits doesn't have to be a long-term ordeal. Take a look around the office and you'll probably find ways to save dollars right away. Some examples:

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