Porte Brown is proud to announce Ryan Black, CPA, has earned his Certified Construction Industry Financial Professional (CCIFP) designation. The CCIFP designation is “the only construction financial management certification accredited by the American National Standards Institute” according to the Institute of Certified Construction Industry Financial Professionals.
Black’s newly earned certification increases Porte Brown’s total number of CCIFP certified professionals to seven. Porte Brown’s large contingent of CCIFP professionals places it on an elite level of CPA firms in the nation that can provide specialized accounting and financial management services to construction companies. There are over 900 active CCIFPs in the U.S. and of that only 37 are located in Illinois.
According to Bruce Jones, CPA, and Managing Partner at Porte Brown, “We’re proud of Ryan. He went above and beyond to achieve the CCIFP designation. It truly shows Ryan's dedication to the profession and his hard work ethic. It’s a level of industry‐specific expertise the average accounting firm simply can’t provide. With over 300 construction clients at Porte Brown, it’s important our staff has the specialized training necessary to provide the highest level of accounting services for the industry,” said Jones. “The CCIFP certification allows us to provide additional guidance in areas such as project management, safety issues, human resources, IT, and legal issues related to the construction industry.”
Porte Brown specializes in construction accounting and is proud to have seven Certified Construction Industry Financial Professionals. The CCIFP designation demonstrates a thorough understanding of the construction industry’s financial rules and regulations. The Institute of Certified Construction Industry Financial Professionals employs a rigorous test based on current practices and is representative of the activities a construction financial professional faces on a daily basis. The CCIFP designation is one of the few financial management certifications for the construction industry that truly exemplifies the very best of what the construction financial industry has to offer.
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