Healthy Body, Healthy Pocketbook

People save for a variety of things in retirement. Some dream of vacation homes in tropical destinations, others plan to spend time with grandchildren and family. Of all the activities you are saving for in retirement, did you know that healthcare may have the biggest price tag? One study found that a man would need to save $124,000 and a woman would need to save $140,000 for health care in retirement if they want a 90% chance of being able to pay all their future medical bills.1

Thankfully, your retirement health costs are not set in stone. Of course, you won't have total control over your health in retirement, but there are things you can do to manage your health risks and potential costs. Here are a few tips.

There is no way to guarantee you won't have unexpected healthcare costs in retirement. But maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help you reduce possible health-related expenses, not to mention avoid spending precious time in the recovery room.

1 Employee Benefit Research Institute

Tip: Healthy Targets. Generally speaking, cholesterol should be 200mg/dL or lower. And a good blood pressure level is 120/80 mmHg or less.

Fast Fact: No Need to Save? According to the EBRI, Medicare only covers 60% of health care expenses for its beneficiaries. — Employee Benefit Research Institute

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