Mission Statements: More Than a Wall Ornament

Many companies spend a lot of time and money creating mission statements to highlight their products and services and align employees around a common vision.

Car driving compass

But the fact is that many mission statements fail — becoming nothing more than a wall ornament or a bunch of words tucked in a company handbook.

For the most part, the reasons the statements fail are pretty straightforward: They involve fuzzy, non-specific language, poor implementation, interchangeable goals or visions that can be adopted by any company, and a lack of long-term leadership support.

Still, every company, big or small, should have a mission statement. Why? It's a compass that lets employees, customers and investors know what the firm stands for and where it's headed.

The statement mobilizes people passionately behind a common cause and defines the company's collective personality. In addition, it provides clear direction and gets results. But only if it's properly written.

Here are a few elements to consider when writing a mission statement:

An effective mission statement can be a great asset to an organization. When everyone is working together toward a shared goal, your company has a better chance of being successful. Mission statements should be developed as part of the company's strategic planning process, starting with development, prioritization of goals and objectives, and an examination of the company's culture.

After this process is done, the mission of the company will become clear, making it easier to create a good mission statement.

Six Factors to Include

Studies have found that organizations show consistently higher performance when their mission statements include these six items:

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